we need to get back to talking about decentralization and relocalization
After Silent Spring and Earth Day and Edward Goldsmith’s Blueprint for Survival the Green politics movement emerged during the 1970s. What was initially distinctive about it vis-a-vis all the old ideologies (liberalism, conservatism, socialism, nationalism, religionism, libertarianism, etc.) was indicated by some of our special Key Values.
Among our Ten Key Values I would categorize some as righteous and important but not especially distinctive. Just about all leftists embrace social justice, expanded democracy, demilitarization, feminism, respect for diversity, and sustainability. The Greens were distinctive in focusing on Ecological Wisdom. Two others of our values are also special, and they’re related to each other: Decentralization (toward relocalization) and Community-based Economics. The latter could (and should) be broadened toward the advocacy of community-based life in general:
For this reason John Clark calls the general philosophy: eco-communitarianism.
Seeing as how that’s way too big and esoteric a word to resonate with very many people I call the philosophy: Green.