this is where things stand … stuck

Steven Welzer
1 min readNov 26, 2023


left to right to left to right and back again

“the current moment is part of a backlash against the leftist Kirchnerist project … Its failure seems to have reinforced the only other alternative on hand, which is the idea that there is nothing but individual interest and every man for themselves.”

“The only alternatives” felt to be leftist or rightist.

But neither turns out to be satisfactory.

The third way, the third alternative, is communitarian. It’s so alternative that few can yet see its potential.

In the early period of formation of the Green Party there were intimations of having it represent communitarianism. It’s so alternative that few could figure out how to express it electorally. So the Green parties in Europe drifted back to liberalism and the Green Party in our country drifted back to leftism.



Steven Welzer

A Green Party activist, Steve was an original co-editor of DSA’s “Ecosocialist Review.” He now serves on the Editorial Board of the New Green Horizons webzine.