They’ve semi-socialized the banking system
Bank failures were a key component of the Great Depression. In 2008 the financial authorities got scared about a repeat. They then decided that a scenario of massive bank failures due to market conditions was unacceptable and unnecessary.
Under free-market capitalism the government would not be printing and handing around money. Money is supposed to represent real, tangible wealth. Printing money that has no backing and no relation to real wealth eventually will debase the currency. Inflation reflects debasement of the currency.
Capitalism is a chaotic system. The chaos can lead to wild speculative frenzies, boom-bust cycles, and market imbalances. Keynesianism said that the government should try to regulate, smooth, and counter such. Ever since 2008 the Federal Reserve has been making sure bank reserves never get drained. Their policies represent a semi-socialization of the banking system.