They were way-laid
A certain sympathy for the MAGA inclination . . .
Things that used to be normative (like patriotism and gender roles) now are derided; things that used to be sacrosanct (religion, marriage, the military) now are disdained; things that used to be extolled (economic growth, petroleum products, suburbia, Columbus) now are disparaged.
The culture had certain fundaments, for many, many generations. It was disconcerting to be told that the culture actually is pernicious, destructive, and perverse. It’s not so easy to understand why. It’s been traumatic to have lifeways hollowed out, meaning nullified. We ought to be sympathetic regarding the resultant confusion, distress, and disorientation.
I actually think the situation could be explained and the resolution could be explicated in a positive and constructive way. The Simplicity Institute is exemplary in that respect.