The Velvet Underground
There’s a certain similarity to much of the avante-garde culture of the last 150 years.
The content itself is not very significant. A lot of ranting, moaning, emoting, blustering. The significance is the expression. It critiques and/or reflects a disturbing reality.
So it’s disturbing.
Young people are interested in experiencing it because being disturbed seems appropriate. It jibes with their own sensibility of It All.
So it’s valid. A certain idea is that it encourages woke-ness. The culture is problematic. It should be critiqued.
But stuck-in-critique, obsessed-with-critique, enamored-with-critique, critique-as-mystique — Nietzsche, Warhol, early Dylan, Lou Reed, etc. — gets dreary after a while. Especially if not leavened with any sense of humor. Or a constructive way out.