the transition will go very slowly
This article reflects the reality of the situation:
“ . . . it’s madness because neither the infrastructure nor supply chains are in place for a radical push.”
Year-by-year more and more people will recognize the need for a radical transition of our lifeways. They will, correctly, clamor for such. But they will run into resistance. A radical transition just can’t happen. People can’t change so much so fast.
The problems that we’ve created will be overwhelming. As the overwhelm unfolds there will be reactions against the implied and attempted transition of lifeways.
The transition will be painful and traumatic. The pain and trauma will be resisted. Then the slowness of the transition will result in worse pain and trauma over the long run. That’s the essence of The Long Emergency.
(By the way, it’s why the Greens have trouble getting elected. We represent the message that lifeways really ought to transition as much as possible as soon as possible. It’s not a popular message.)