The timeframe according to Crosby, Stills, and Nash
. . . prescient of them: “Long time coming, long time gone.”
If you read between the lines, you can discern that their song covered the following:
The genesis of the modern crisis dates from the rise of the states and empires (and “totalitarian agriculture” [clearing the land of all flora and fauna except human food]; dependence upon self-production of food; private ownership of the land and the produce; private (and skewed) wealth accumulation; productivity values; loss of appreciation for ecological/social limits and balances; unfettered lust for wealth, power, control, aggrandizement; rise of wealth/power elites; class division of society; power manifested as statist, clerical, patriarchal authority; increasingly complex division of labor; profit-oriented compulsion for cheap labor; drive toward technological and institutional development; expansion, growth, development of the Technosphere; urbanization; alienation from nature; withering of communitarian self-reliance) five thousand years ago.
So it’s likely to take five thousand years until the problems are gone (return to sanity).
The beginning of that salutary process will be dated from approximately the time the song was recorded. Shortly thereafter, inspired by the song (specifically, the between-the-lines messaging) islands of sanity started to be created. The islands were small and isolated at first, tiny dots within the landscape of the Leviathan. Slowly they became more numerous and more viable in terms of critical mass. The first was the Earthaven Ecovillage in North Carolina (1993). The EcoVillage at Ithaca (1996) was a more robust manifestation. Within twenty years there were almost a thousand dots of sanity worldwide. Full viability was achieved by the Witchcliffe Ecovillage in Australia circa 2025. By the year 3000 there were a million, but, altogether, they only covered 1/100th of the land surface of the planet and only involved 50 million people. It would not be until around 7000 that sanity had become fully generalized.
Similarly, in regard to enlightened individuals, there was, of course, a first one. That was Gary Snyder, who was born in 1930 but lived into the twenty-first century. The global census of the year 4000 recorded almost a billion sane people, about a third of the total population. By the year 7000 all human beings had returned to identifying as and living as eco-communitarians. (As indicated by the fact that Gary Snyder Day had become the culmination of the sixteen-day Earth/Gary holiday period celebrated annually worldwide between April 22 and May 8. The Crosby, Stills, and Nash song became the holiday’s anthem owing to its catchy melody.)