The technologizing has its own imperatives
“It remains to be seen whether we’ll all be pushed into virtual environments similar to how internet use has become a mandatory part of getting by in the modern world.”
The above is an interesting statement, apropos of . . .
People sometimes say to me: “You critique tech but disseminate your critique via tech [the internet blogosphere]. Isn’t that contradictory?”
Well, I drive a car, too. I watch some television. I tried to avoid the smartphone insanity, but I was forced into it.
The standards, the norms, the requirements become imperatives. Also, life is pretty limited, lonely, and isolated “off the grid.” There’s not much virtue in living apart from the common social reality. What we need to do is collectively come to terms with what has happened to us over time and recognize the dependencies the technosphere entails. Then gradually, together, create greener, more locally-oriented, more humanly-scaled new realities.