The new ideas congealed during the 1970s

Steven Welzer
Jan 8, 2021

The ideas were inchoate during the ’60s. People were reading, but not yet comprehending the implications of . . .

The Waste Makers (1960); Silent Spring (1962); The Technological Society (1964); Abundance for What? (1964); The Myth of the Machine (1967); Paul Goodman’s The New Reformation (1969); E. J. Mishan’s The Costs of Economic Growth (1969); The Making of a Counter Culture (1969); The Subversive Science: Essays Toward an Ecology of Man (1969); Gary Snyder’s Earth House Hold (1969); The Greening of America (1970).

It all started to come together during the following decade; and by the 1980s manifested in truly “new paradigm” movements such as deep ecology, Green politics, social ecology, and bioregionalism.



Steven Welzer

The editor of Green Horizon Magazine, Steve has been a movement activist for many years (he was an original co-editor of DSA’s “Ecosocialist Review”).