the Left is all too human just like the Right and the Center
5/20/2024 Briahna Joy Gray and Ajamu Baraka lamenting that The Left hasn’t been able to Be Serious enough to get together and get behind a strong campaign. But “The Left” is ten thousand individual neurotics, of course. 1/1/2023 Nick Brana couldn’t build the Peoples Party. In desperation he wound up making common cause with Angela McCardle (who at first was a staunch von Mises Libertarian but at second would consider having RFK the Kennedy Democrat run for the LP). Brana urged Jimmy Dore to run as the PP presidential candidate. For some reason Dore wouldn’t (maybe because his source of income is his show and comedy tour, both of which he’d have to give up during a campaign). Anyway, then, one day Brana proposed the idea to Cornel West. It piqued Cornel’s Interest but his wife said: “Don’t you dare.” They weren’t long married (his fifth marriage) and a campaign would take him away for a whole year. But his interest was piqued. When he said: “I’m doing it” the wife said “Then I better be included on the Steering Committee.” Some leftists thought CW could be a strong candidate. But not with the lowly PP, with the Green Party. But the wife didn’t like the guidance of the Green Party guiders. Meanwhile Jimmy Dore realized he had passed up an opportunity. So he rued the fact that the left campaign would not be run the way he would have run it if he had signed on. So he resented the attention going to CW and he blew up an interview with CW over the stupid issue of the prominence of the “fascist” COVID mandates. Meanwhile the wife blew up the alliance of CW with the Greens. Jill Stein stepped in. She stole CW’s thunder and CW turned into a pouting little baby. Briahna Joy Gray and Ajamu Baraka have in mind some abstract Left capable of rationally making a sagacious collective decision. They’re not noticing the all too human material we’re dealing with here.