The key debate issue of the 2024 campaign
The candidates will be taking quite contrasting positions. I’m afraid DeSantis will get the upper hand in regard to this issue and on that basis will likely win the election.
Biden will make the case that an overshoot crisis tends to encounter a dramatic inflection point followed by a rapid-descent climacteric. Collapse will unfold over the next thousand years.
DeSantis will maintain that the trajectory of ascent and decline figures to be symmetrical. In other words, if it took five thousand years to develop from the original bioregional-tribal ways to the current condition of hypertrophy and overshoot, he’ll say we can anticipate five thousand years of devolution back to generalized sustainable lifeways. He’ll present a program geared to that timeline. This ultra-sanguine position is bound to resonate more with the electorate (whether it ultimately corresponds to reality or not). It will trump other issues where his positions suck. It will move the majority of voters to hold their noses and provide him with a solid majority.