re: time, life, our beliefs
It gives some comfort to think in terms of “next life” or “afterlife.”
Those ideas are owing to a combination of anxiety and the human constructed concepts of time and sequence.
Personally, I think there’s probably no reality to the concept of time. Or: the universe.
We posit the idea that “the universe” had a start point (the Big Bang), a period of sequential expansion over “time,” and a likely end-point.
Human stories are chock full of time sensibility.
. . . all a concoction of what reality is.
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I believe in some kind of dualism.
Like this: there is the organic and the inorganic.
What we’re part of is the organic: Life.
It’s special, it’s magical. Having said that, well, we have no idea what it is.
Life. Vitality. Yes.
But not time. Life doesn’t “come and go.”
Each organism comes and goes, but not Life itself.
We discern and we feel: irrepressible energy, desiring, growing, profusion.
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Human behavior during this short aberrant period of civilization is toxic, but what hubris to think it might be fatal. Individuals come and go, species come and go, but the profusion … just is. Can’t say “forever” or “eternity” because they convey that bogus concept, the sensibility of time.
I think … the efflorescence is the What Is. Just that. Life “arose” on the planet Earth a couple of billion years ago. Planets and solar systems and galaxies do come and go. But Life is ubiquitous and always. The organic is immanent in the inorganic.
But vitality is special and it’s magical.
We dislike the idea that our individual organism, our self, will lose it.
Let go and just, for now, be part of the What Is.