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Steven Welzer
2 min read1 day ago


I assume it’s the first time that Jill has appeared on the front page of the Sunday New York Times:

Quite prestigious.

* * * *

The United States is the most dominant imperial power in the history of the world. It has a voting system and culture that limits its citizens to just two significant political parties. For over 150 years the Republicans and Democrats have traded place in regard to presidential administrations. For over 150 years our national legislature has been about evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. So those parties obviously are responsible for the state of things . . . the obscene levels of inequality, the militarism, inadequate housing and healthcare coverage, the soaring federal debt, the unfair taxation system, political dominance by the mega-corporations and the wealth/power elites, destruction of ecological habitat, the climate emergency, the withering of local community life. The duopoly parties have been in power, they are responsible, and they’re not exactly beloved by the people. Voters constantly tell pollsters that they wish there were more choices. But the duopoly parties do all they can to suppress political competition. In all other democracies the full range of parties enjoy public funding of campaigns, fair ballot access rules, adequate media exposure, inclusion in debates, and respect for alternative points of view. Jill Stein and the Green Party are challenging a system that’s antithetical to democracy, justice, ecology, and peace. They’re offering an important distinctive alternative.

All of this is enormously consequential. Of course, what the New York Times considers really significant (the part of the story that you can read on Page 1 … and many, many readers will only get that far) is that some members of Jill’s family urged her not to run this time. Super consequential negative human interest. Enlightening.



Steven Welzer

A Green Party activist, Steve was an original co-editor of DSA’s “Ecosocialist Review.” He now serves on the Editorial Board of the New Green Horizons webzine.