On the day I was born
* something went wrong with an illicit abortion and the woman died
* Republicans and Democrats were having a hard time coming to agreement on an issue (what action to take to deal with the calamitous threat regarding perverts (homosexuals) on the government payrolls)
* negligent adults allowed a young boy to get too close to a circus elephant; the elephant crushed the boy; the elephant was put to death
* Dwight Eisenhower said the country needed to spend more money on the military
* the secretary of the Communist Party was convicted of being a Communist; jurors who worked for the government and had had to sign an anti-Communist oath as a condition of employment were allowed to deliberate about the fate of the Communist
* Joseph McCarthy and Styles Bridges accused the Secretary of State of looking the other way as a Soviet Master Spy was subverting the State Department, “using it as he wills”
* Mrs. Brunauer told the special Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee that she was not now nor never a Communist
* Hoover told McCarthy that Lattimore was not now nor never the top Soviet spy
* Republicans were hell-bent on cutting foreign aid
* Hindus were fighting with Moslems
* Communist Romania was fighting with Communist Yugoslavia
* Elizabeth McGee forgot to curtsy upon meeting Princess Margaret