Message from the Global Greens
Global Greens Working Groups and Networks are focused on specific areas to bring together people from the four international Green politics federations to unite, create campaigns, and initiate action for positive change, around the world.
Following the Global Greens Congress in Korea we are forming new groups to add to our diverse work.
You can sign up to get the latest information on a group, and of course there’s also space to come and get involved in regular meetings, campaigns and action. No prior knowledge is required, just a commitment to a better world.
We know unlimited growth is unsustainable. We live on a finite planet. We cannot “grow” our way out of today’s crises. We must create sustainable ways to deal with these crises and create a better world. GND WG is focused on stimulating governments and the world of finance to implement an inclusive, just and sustainable economic development. The world must transition from “business as usual” to a green and just economics and policy. This group will soon have its first meeting, and you can sign up here to keep in the loop:
A healthy, functioning democracy is the bedrock of a healthy society and a healthy planet. And, as all the analyses show, strong democratic mechanisms and structures are absolutely critical for success for climate, biodiversity and social justice. Democracy is under threat around the world. This is way to ensure our voices are heard and we can hold power to account. The Democracy Network is just beginning and you can sign up here:
Following the Global Greens successful work at COP15 in Montreal last year, where we campaigned for the 30x30 goals (preserving 30% of nature by 2030), the group is building work further towards this year’s “mini-COP” in Canada. Also, we are working with Ecocide International to fight to enshrine the protection of nature into law. Nature and biodiversity underpins all our lives and life systems and is a source of true beauty in the world. It’s our collective responsibility to protect it.
Sign up here:
In solidarity,
Bodil, Najah, Anne-Marie and Najah,
Global Greens Co-Convenors