May Day is a good time to do some re-thinking
For years on May Day leftists gathered and sang The Internationale:
This year let’s consider that the socialist movement dates from the 1820s and so is now 200 years old. Is that a cause for celebration? or a motivation to finally recognize its failure and do some deep re-thinking?
In two hundred years there has not been a single enduringly successful implementation of the full socialist vision (i.e., an economy based on socialization of society’s major productive assets). Not one. So perhaps we — Greens, especially — should be talking about a different alternative to capitalism.
The “greening of society” might very well need to include a period of eco-socialism in order to de-fang the ruinous globalized capitalism system. But the ultimate vision of that transition should be bioregionalist and not socialist.
Here’s an article to that effect:
And here’s a discussion about it: