it will happen to the Green Party
DSA was founded in 1982.
It languished for decades, but a small number of burning souls believed in the idea (democratic socialism) and kept it going. Suddenly, in the wake of the Bernie campaign of 2016, it blew up into something significant (within a period of three years national membership soared from about 5,000 to about 90,000).
Jewish Voice for Peace was founded in 1996.
It languished for decades, but a small number of burning souls believed in the idea (anti-Zionist, left-wing Jewish activism) and kept it going. Suddenly, in the wake of the Israel-Gaza War of 2023, it blew up into something significant (within a period of three months national membership soared from about 2,000 to about 30,000).
This kind of thing will happen with the Green Party. It’s impossible to say what the catalyst will be. Probably some particularly prominent campaign at some point.
The worldwide Green politics movement was founded (for obvious reasons, the ecological trajectory of humanity being what it is) around the time of the initial UN Earth Summit in Stockholm in 1972. Soon there were Green parties in almost a hundred countries. Every one of the them has struggled to achieve some prominence, with varying degrees of success. The Green politics movement in our country was founded in 1984 and the national Green Party was recognized by the Federal Election Commission in 2001. It has languished for decades, but a small number of burning souls who believe in the idea keep it going. In some future period of time it will blow up into something significant.