I was trying to write an article about this for Green Horizon ... but I faced a conundrum.
Everybody says patriarchy is a key component of the problem. Fredy wrote a great book and it's right there in his title: "Against His-story, Against Leviathan."
Well, I’ve had trouble squaring that with the idea that men are at least as oppressed. Y'know, the statistics regarding sociopathology ... crimes and other anti-social behaviors ... would seem to indicate that males are MORE oppressed. OMG. How to square that with male "privilege," male piggish behavior?
Finally ... the idea that the male population needs to be viewed as two populations. Not that there's some kind of rigid bifurcation, naturally the situation is one of spectrum and overlap. Nonetheless, one is, indeed, privileged; and the other is, indeed, oppressed (without much in the way of recognition) . . .
"It can be hoped that there will be a post-feminist wave that will recognize the extent to which the vast majority of people are afflicted by a reality wherein a social layer of elite 'alpha' males is privileged. A sorry consequence is that many of the non-alpha males are encouraged to identify with them and emulate them. The actuality is that the historic roles, hierarchies, and gender expectations are oppressive for most of the men."