I can think of only two universals
I hope someday humanity will arrive at a sane way of doing collective domains of experience and sovereignty … more humanly-scaled units, bioregionally oriented. It was actually the way we lived during the aboriginal period (millions of years). Going forward it would result from a synthesis of the primitive and the modern. And what would evolve would be a return to cultural diversity … various cultural expressions apropos of the variety of ecosystemic groundings in the land, climate, flora, fauna, etc. of various places.
Cultural diversity, few universals. And yet an additional hope is that humanity will have learned something from the millennia of wandering through civilization.
If there was a bioregional reorganization of society there could still be continental coordinations, interrelations — even an extent of worldwide coordinations and interrelations. As part of such maybe there could be a more or less consensual ethos in regard to proscribing two things that should have been recognized as ruinous during the aberrant period of insane growth, greed, genocide and ecocide:
1) Weapons of mass destruction. Technological over-development enabled such. After the full consequence was appreciated in the wake of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they should become anathema universally. But let the proscribing extend to all weapons that can engender multiple casualties, anonymously, at a distance. So: no guns. Gun possession universally criminalized.
2) Empires. Whether statist (Sumer, Egypt, Rome, Spain, England) or commercial (Walmart, Amazon, Exxon, Toyota, Citigroup), they are toxic forces — impersonal, self-interested and hyper-exploitative. So: no empires. Sanity would encourage communitarian economics.