How to live
Humans need to cluster. We have to stop spreading out like an encroaching profusion all over the place, disturbing habitats.
But not cluster in mega-metropolises. The latter are ugly, alienated from nature, noisy, polluting, and enervating.
Cluster in human-scale ecovillage settlements.
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There are too many of us. To disperse the cities and move toward lifeways that are ecologically and socially sane all around the world … my guess is that we’d have to (very gradually) reduce our population down to a billion or two.
A billion or two living more simply, more lightly, more locally.
Humans and their livestock now comprise about 96% of all mammal biomass on Earth. All other mammals — whales, sea lions, bears, elephants, badgers, shrews, deer, bear, cougars, rats, wolves, and all the rest — are about 4%.