Capsule Review №2
We Demand Tomorrow
Prolekult, 2020
Bright young minds can be retrograde, too, of course. This impressively-made but ideologically-warped movie touts Marxism-Leninism, the vanguard party, and a new International.
It’s been (and remains) my sense that this will be the last generation to pay any heed to the Marxist paradigm. By the time the next generation comes of age it will be 200 years since publication of the Communist Manifesto and well over a hundred years since the Bolshevik Revolution. By the end of this century I think they will both have been all but forgotten, looked back upon by historians as exemplars of promethean, techno-optimistic modernity.
Obviously Marx’s system was powerful, to keep resonating for so long. It was the case for a whole period that a recognition of capitalism’s abominations brought to mind Das Kapital, but I think that whole long period is coming to a close — thankfully. It has fostered so many of the left’s delusions:
. socialist revolution
. progressive development
. class-for-itself proletariat
. higher stages of history
It was quite a movement in its time. Arise ye prisoners of starvation. The left now must come to understand the deficiencies of that paradigm . . . get itself unstuck from that ideological cul-de-sac. This movie is a greenifying attempt, but, unfortunately, it represents a pretty misguided manifestation of eco-socialism. Oy vay.