aw, Maisel wimped out at the end

Steven Welzer
May 26, 2023


There’s a nice very-last scene where Midge and Suzie are over 70 and crotchedy-mellow. But before that is the climax scene where she appears on the Gordon Ford show and kills and everybody in the whole world loves her to sappy bits. It was reminiscent of my last colonoscopy prep and I could barely watch.

Anyway, overall, it was my favorite show. In its five-seasons history there were 529 scenes altogether. Of those, 69 were outright hysterical; 147 were excellent; 171 were very good; 97 were good enough; 28 were so-so; 16 were rather disappointing; 1 was reminiscent of my last colonoscopy prep.



Steven Welzer

A Green Party activist, Steve was an original co-editor of DSA’s “Ecosocialist Review.” He now serves on the Editorial Board of the New Green Horizons webzine.