actually, it seems obvious and straightforward to me
I’m nice to people and I express sympathy for alternative viewpoints, but I’ll level with y’all who read this blog: I think supporting the Democratic Party is nutso.
The state of things in this country is attributable to the alternating rule of the two duopolistic parties for the last 160 years. That’s six generations. The state of things is outlandish. Ninety-five percent of the value of all assets in the United States (stocks, bonds, pension annuities, real estate) is owned by ten percent of the population. The country’s military expenditures constitute 40 percent of the total military spending worldwide. The U.S. has over 750 military bases located in 80 foreign countries. Our healthcare system is complex, expensive, and inefficient. Our ecological impact is ruinous.
If the state of things is militaristic, imperialistic, piggish, and oppressive, um, that’s half-attributable to the Democratic Party. It was elementary to some of us back in the Sixties that the Dems are part of the problem and not part of the solution. It was (and remains) elementary to never vote for one of their candidates. Doing that sends a message of support for the Democratic Party.
In real life I’m normally nice to those who don’t make the connection between the rule of the Democratic Party and the state of things, but here in the recesses of our private little kaffeeklatsch I can let it all hang out and tell you that I think it’s nutso. The Democratic Party is one of the parties of the American power elites. The latter are the most powerful and dominant hegemonists in all of world history.